NDIS Pricing Limits for Transport
The reality is that there are about 20 pages on claiming for Transport in the NDIS Pricing Limit Guide. Below are some quick claiming guidelines based on the NDIS Pricing Limits 2021 – 2022 but more information is available from Candeece Coordination.
The general rule for claiming transport is the pricing limit of $1.00 per km. This is different for Support Coordination and Therapists and they have capacity to claim per hour (of the hourly rate they charge) for service delivery.
The NDIS Price Guide or NDIS Pricing limit is purely a guide. You do not have to claim the maximum stated.
It is encouraged to speak with providers about what they are charging and how they are claiming the Transport Support to ensure that you are getting the most from the NDIS Plan Budget.
As a provider it is important to think about, and have the conversation about, whether there is actually funding approved for Transport otherwise you could be reducing a participants funded Support hours!

Tip for Review
NDIS are reducing the approval of ‘Transport’ funding rapidly and there are some very clear guidelines on approval.
- Engaged in a community program weekly that you require transport to attend
- Working at least part time (3 days a week) and require transport to access this.
Evidence of requirment of Transport is very important and will assist greatly in a review.
How is your location classification determined?
NDIS use the Modified Monash Model to determine your location classification to fund for Transport if required.
NDIS Price Limits are Negotiable
Before the NDIS, people with disability had to pay for transport out of their own pocket and there was a very small charge from those providers in the market. The use of vehicles to do your job is claimed as an expense at tax time for all Australians. Covering expenses is something all businesses do however, the NDIS Price Limits are negotiable and funding is individual based, this needs to be taken into account when offering support to people.
Whilst the Price Limit has line items for travel, it does not mean that the participant has been funded for this addition in the plan they have currently and evidence needs to be provided before funding would be looked at for an increase/review.
NOTE: A Price Limit change does not mean an automatic plan funding change.

My questions are…
- What is the difference between hanging the washing with the participant and driving a participant?
- You are still being paid per hour?
- How did you cover the travel expenses before the NDIS?
- Did your clients pay over $400 for a 45min therapy session to cover your km’s and vehicle expenses?
I have heard almost every answer there is to this question but here is some food for thought. Read below.
Reality Check
- Providers can claim for travel on their work cars at tax time.
- Independent provider can claim with a log book at tax time for travel related expenses.
Which one is a better outcome for you as a provider and less impactful on the participant?
Therapists Claiming for Transport
NDIS have approved for providers to claim for their transport as follows:
- 30min cap for travel to and from a participant at the hourly rate of agreed therapy
- Per km as agreed with the participant.

Tip for Review
When preparing for your Plan Review make sure you get a full quote from your providers (especially Therapists) to outline the total cost of therapy.
Just a recommendation in a report with frequency of support is not enough due to the transport costs associated with in home therapy.
If you are requesting in home therapy, make sure you have very good evidence as to why in clinic therapy will not be effective and meet your needs.